Wednesday 2 December 2009

Research- Textual Analysis
Jeeper Creepers teaser and theatrical trailers.

1. What is the genre of the film?


2. How is the audience able to identify the genre of the film?

Eory Music creates a tense and spooky atmosphere which is conventional in most horror films.There is also significant evidence in the first shot of both trailers where it shows a long shot of a truck on a very empty road and what looks like an empty area. The theme of isolation immediately makes us aware of the genre of the film.There is also alot of iconography when there is a crane shot of the chruch going up to the crucifix at the top, there is also a crow sitting at the top which signifies evil.

3. How does the trailer target an audience?

4. How long does the film trailer last?

1 minute 29 seconds.

5. How many shots are used in the trailer?

31 including titles.

6. What transitions are used in the trailer?

There are fades to black in between shots from the film and this created an uneasy effect on the audience.

7. How is digetic sound used in the trailer?- Focus on dialogue and sound effects.

In the teaser trailer there is very little digetic sound. Although there is the sound of footsteps and screams to add to the suspence.In the theatrical trailer, there is alot of digetic sound ranging from speech and vehicle sound to explosions.

8. How is non-digetic sound used in the trailer?- Focus on music and sound effects.

In the teaser trailer there is the disturbing sound of a heartbeat as they approach the pipe and this also makes us aware of the genre of the film.In the theatrical trailer, the non-digetic sound is slow and creepy which builds up as the equilibrium is being disturbed and eventually turns into loud, face paced rock music.

9. How does the trailer present character and their relationships?

In both trailers we are not revealed much about the relationship between the two main characters, only that they care for eachother as the female goes after the male when he goes missing down the pipe.We laern quite alot about the monster from the representation that is given in the theatrical trailer. We learn that the monster is hiding its true identity when we see a person throwing bodies into a pipe at the start. It is wearing a black wastecoat and hat and trying to look like a normal male, this costume has major connotations of evil. We also learn that the monster is clever, in the teaser as the titles in the fade to blacks say certain things e.g "A PERFECT PLACE TO HIDE". This indicates that the moster has a plan and that it has chose to hide away near a church because it is were nobody would expect it to be.

10. How does the trailer create a sense of narrative?

11. What does the trailer reveal about the plot of the film?

From both trailers we can establish that its theme is pursuit because we know that the male is rescued by the female and gets out of the underground lair of the monster. They try to escape the location of the film and on their way out the monster tries to trap them and retrieve the male and possibly the female. This immiedaitely gives the audience a sense of pursuit.

12. How does the trailer create a code of enigma?

The mystery and the question posed to the audience is "What is the monster?"

13. How does the trailer use titles to communicate with the audience?

The trailer uses fade to blacks to use titles with white text. The text is also moving and this creates an uneasy effect on the audience.

14. How does the trailer establish the mood and expectations of the film?

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