Monday 30 November 2009

G324 Advanced Portfolio
Skills Development
Preliminary Task- What Lies Beneath

How did you plan your ideas?

  • Through a 12 scene storyboard.

How/Why did you use a storyboard?

  • To plan our ideas and memories of the film we chose.

  • To make our task more oranised and well planned.

Did you use a script?

  • Yes, we recorded all lines of the film we knew from memory.

How did you organise the shooting schedule?

  • We planned the day before the task that we would shoot our scene at one of our houses.

Why did you need a release form?

  • To re-assure the teacher that the owners of the property where we were shooting gave us permission to do so.

How did you organise the shoot?

  • We gave ourselves individual roles before shooting, these were; camera operator, actor 1, actor 2, director and clapper board operator.

How did you use the clapper board?

  • Before shooting every shot, we wrote the number of the shot and the number of the take we were currently filming.

How did you use different camera shots and angles to create effects?

  • In the "carrying through the door" shot we used a transition as they walk through from a low angle shot of the feet and the legs outside the door to a high angle shot looking down as they walk through. The high angle creates a spooky effect.

  • In the shot where the male character is talkin on the phone, we used a point of view shot from the female characters prespective emphasising her worry and helplessness as she sees her husband in the mirror. The gradual zoom of the female character in the bath creates a sense of tension and an inability to predict future events.

How did you choose the location for your shots?

  • We decided that a member of our groups bathroom would be best as it has good lighting and is quite comparable to the one in the film.

How did you use mise-en-scene during filming? Think about setting, costume, props, lighting etc.

  • Light through the bathroom window was purposely used as the shot in the bath has that light directly shining on the female character.

  • On the bath we tried to include aspects of realism by leaving the bottles of shampoo and other toiletteries on the edge of the bath tub.

  • As we shot the film over two days, we remembered that the costume needed to stay the same. We chose normal casual wear for the male and nightwear for the female character including and robe and pyjamas.

  • In the final scene, a mobile phone was used which was provided by a member of the class.

How did you organise the actors during the shoot?

  • We made sure that the actors movements didn't make the faces or bodies go out of the shot too much.

  • We had to rehearse the actors' lines before shooting.

  • Also making sure that they were wearing the correct costumes.

What problems did you find during the shoot?

  • We experienced problems of keeping the actors' faces in the shot especially in the mirror shot.

How did you edit your final footage?

  • We used a programme in school to edit our final footage.

  • We needed to take out unwanted speech and sounds.

  • we also had to play around with our shots to make the film look better.

What problems did you find while editing?

  • We had one main problem which was the sound of the running water which is in one shot and then not in the following one.

  • Another problem was when in the last scene the male comes in through the bathroom door with the phone. We never showed him leaving the shot before he went out.

What were the main successes of your project?

  • The opening two shots were very successful and looked professional.

  • The mise-en-scene was quite comparable to the actual film so that was a success.

What aspects of the project could have been improved upon for the main task?

  • The acting

  • The script

  • The continuity of good editing.

How well did you work individually?

  • I thought i participated well to the project with acting, helping the directing of the shoot and contributing with the slapper board.

  • Our teamwork was good overall and our planning helped that.

How successful was the finished project?

Were successful.

  • Mise-en-scene

  • Organisation

  • Teamwork

  • Basic applied knowledge of filming

Were not successful

  • Some sounds were wrong e.g running water

  • Missed out some shots

  • Incorrect basic editing

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